Get your step-by-step action plan tailored to your business and podcast goals

Get unstuck & take your podcast to the next level

Podcast power hour

Podcasting is an awesomesauce way to build an audience, make an impact, and grow your business. But it can also feel hard to stand out in a sea of voices – that’s for sure! Have a podcast and got some great first results but feel ready to grow? Or are you DIYing your podcast launch but got a couple of things you’d like feedback on?

Pick my brain during our Podcast Power Hour for honest and actionable feedback so you can unleash your podcast's potential!

Getting an expert and fresh perspective will get you moving forward in no time. We’ll co-create an action plan tailored to you, your podcast, and your business!

If you’re planning your podcast launch:

Decide what the right format is for your podcast

How to integrate your podcast with your business

Clear up any tech questions around recording, editing, and publishing

How to structure solo episodes and/or interviews to be engaging

Go over your marketing so you’ll launch with a bang

Create a workflow to stay consistent

Wherever in your podcast journey you are, I’m here to get you out of analysis-paralysis and into making impactful changes! Here’s just some of the topics we can tackle:

Wondering what we could chat about?

If you want to grow your existing podcast:

Reevaluate your format and how you could freshen it up

Make sure your podcast converts for your business

Explore different ways to monetize your podcast

Review your episodes to find how to upgrade your content

How to boost your marketing to reach a bigger audience

Optimize your workflow or guest onboarding process

How it works

1. Schedule your Podcast Power Hour

Grab a spot on the calendar for our session! Simply choose when works best for you and complete the payment process to lock in your 1-on-1 time with me.

2. Fill out a quick survey

As soon as you’ve booked your slot, you’ll be redirected to a short survey, so I can have all your info to review before our call. No worries, you’ll also get an email with the details so you can complete when it works for you.

3. Pick my brain during our video chat

Woot, it’s time for our Podcast Power Hour! We’ll hop on a video call where I’ll answer any and all questions. Plus, we’ll nail down what your next action steps will be.

4. Take your podcast to the next level!

After our session, you’ll get the recording of our chat to review anytime, plus your personal action plan. Then it’s your turn to transform your insights into action!


I speak your


Thanks to my German mom, Chilean Dad, and having lived around the world, we can have our Podcast Power Hour in German, Spanish, or English.

Book now

1-hour video chat with me
Recording of our call
Personal action plan

Clarity on how to uplevel your podcast!

One payment of $199

book now

Podcast Power Hour

Payment plan available

+ VAT if applicable

“I started a podcast 8 months ago, and I did a lot of things just intuitively. Kat gave me super valuable tips and tricks on how to bring a little more strategy to my podcast while keeping the focus on the listeners.”

Julia Schleidt, Digital Leadership Coach + host of the "tatendrang" podcast

“Kat knows her stuff. She’s very clear, and she’s open to what works for you.”

Susan de Vriend, Heart Whispering Mystic & Coach + host of the “Guided Rebooted” podcast

“Kat really pushed me to think about my podcast in a different way. And that outside fresh perspective was something that I really, really needed. Definitely book a Power Hour with Kat because it’s a gamechanger.”

Ginny Krauss, Greatness Coach + host of the “Brave New You” podcast

Don’t just take my word for it

Hear straight from the bosses that have picked my brain:

Learn more

Hi, I'm Kat (she/her! Journalist + marketer turned podcaster + storyteller.

After launching my first podcast in 2017, I was hooked. Since then, I’ve not only become a serial podcaster, but have also helped a bunch of awesomesauce people & orgs to launch and grow theirs as a podcast strategist.

My jam is making unheard voices get the attention they deserve by co-creating unconventional and unpretentious podcasts that turn ears.

Who’s this chick that wants to chat with me about all this podcasting jazz?

Here the answers to the most frequent ones!

Still have questions? 

My secret sauce is marrying storytelling and business, which is why bosses who already have a podcast or want to launch one as a part of their biz are who’d benefit the most from the Podcast Power Hour! Beyond that, you’ll get the most results if you are willing to get out of your comfort zone, open to learning something new, and ready to roll up your sleeves and get into action.





Is the Podcast Power Hour right for me?

No worries, you’ll be able to simply reschedule if something pops up!

First off, you’d be surprised how much we can cover in an hour – I talk fast! That aside, if we both see potential for a bigger collaboration, we can discuss that after our chat.

What if I can’t make our scheduled appointment?

What if I’d like more support than you can give in an hour?

Nope, I get all the info I need from you in the survey you complete before we talk. But to make the most out of your time with me, it of course helps if you jot down all your questions and have a way to take notes while we chat. You’ll get the recording of our call plus an action plan afterwards, but great aha moments happen often you’ll want to take note of!

Do I need to prepare anything for our chat?


Since I can unfortunately not get my time refunded, I can’t offer returns or refunds for the Podcast Power Hour. But you betcha I work darn hard to make sure you wouldn’t even want one!

Do you offer returns or refunds?

Book now